About us

Ubitec the company

Motivated by the results that the use of modern technologies and future-oriented innovations bring, we at Ubitec work together with our customers on solutions-oriented projects.
Fast, agile and always with our eyes on the goal.

After our founding in 2016, we concentrated on individual software solutions. In the course of time, more and more focus topics crystallized out, which we deal with more intensively. One of them was the chatbot topic, to which we have remained loyal to this day.

Our passion is the development of individualized chatbots and other dialog-based products based on our Ubitec bot framework. Whether content development and support, technical structure or design of the integrations in websites and apps - as a broad-based team, we bring your project from the start to the finish line.

Due to the advanced architecture, the ease of use of our framework and our skills in designing and supporting content, we set standards for quality and speed in the development of chatbots:

  • On-premise chatbots that implement data protection by design.
  • Professional content management system that covers more than just the editorial life cycle.
  • Individual technical support in all matters relating to the structure, integration and operation of the system.

From the Tabakfabrik location in Linz, we look after a wide range of customers from the private and public sectors with our 12-person team of editors, developers and bot designers.

Ubitec as People

High-performer, low-flyer, break-dancer, cherry-picker, type-writer, git-merger, Mac-user, joke-teller, loud-laugher, YouTube-watcher, vegan-eater, dog-trainer, Festool-user, Mountain-biker.

  • Dieter Perndl

    Dieter Perndl

    Co-Founder / CEO

  • Dominik Aumayr

    Dominik Aumayr

    Co-Founder / CTO

  • Kerstin Knoll

    Kerstin Knoll

    Organisation & Controlling

  • Clare Kato

    Clare Kato

    UX Architect

  • Robert Aistleitner

    Robert Aistleitner

    Principal Engineer

  • Patrick Mörtenböck

    Patrick Mörtenböck

    Senior Engineer

  • Lukas Hubl

    Lukas Hubl


  • Philip Sonnleitner

    Philip Sonnleitner


  • Philipp Stadler

    Philipp Stadler


  • Sarah Koch

    Sarah Koch


  • Stefan Kandlbinder

    Stefan Kandlbinder


  • Sebastian Deisinger

    Sebastian Deisinger


  • Christopher Kremsner

    Christopher Kremsner


  • Christoph Halbartschlager

    Christoph Halbartschlager


  • Katrin Hofstadler

    Katrin Hofstadler

    Project Manager

  • Vanessa Schlacher

    Vanessa Schlacher

    Project Manager

  • Christian Berndt

    Christian Berndt

    Project Manager

  • Hanna Hofstätter

    Hanna Hofstätter

    PMO & Office Assistant

  • Mia Kratzert

    Mia Kratzert

    Content Manager

  • Mischa


    Feel Good Manager

Flexible & fast. The pioneers for new technologies.

Ubitec as an Employer

For us, workplace also means living space. Therefore, together with our employees, we design the working environment as appealing as possible. Our employees enjoy a lot of freedom to spend these hours of the day flexibly, effectively and comfortably.

Flexible working hours
Flexible place of work (home office, etc.)
Modern hardware for private use
Bright office with top equipment
Free coffee and drinks

The Tabakfabrik Linz location offers the perfect place to work in Linz, easily accessible to the public as well as inspiration and exchange with many other innovative companies.


We're growing, so we're looking for support. If you are interested in becoming part of our team or if you know someone who is looking for a new challenge, you will find our vacancies here.


Linux Sys-Admin & Server Operations

In dieser Position erschaffst du Innovationen mit den neuesten Technologien und hast die Chance komplexe Continuous-Integration- und Deployment-Projekte mitzugestalten. Ebenso ebnest du Unternehmen den Weg ins digitale Zeitalter.  [Mehr]

Linz / Homeoffice


Selber Hard- und Software wählen

Ab € 3.200 brutto


Full-Stack Entwickler/in

In dieser Position bist du mit deiner Erfahrung maßgeblich für die Weiterentwicklung unseres Kernsystems für Chatbots und andere dialogbasierte Lösungen verantwortlich.  [Mehr]



Linz / Homeoffice


Selber Hard- und Software wählen

Ab € 3.200 brutto

Eigene Ideen


Wir haben aktuell keine offene Stelle die auf dein Profil passen würde, du willst aber trotzdem gerne mit uns arbeiten? Kein Problem! Schick uns einfach eine Initiativbewerbung und wir melden uns bei dir.


Aroused interest? Contact us and become part of the team.

Imprint & Contact

Whether you are interested in our solutions, help with projects, exchanging experiences, interviewing or looking for a job: just shoot us an email or call us, we won't bite

UID No.: ATU71679007
Commercial register number: 462751t
Member of WKÖ
District Commission Linz

Map Tabakfabrik Linz